The FatFoot Taurus Clone

This is a bass pedal synth that I've built to use as a Moog Taurus. The synth basically comes from two other machines:

  • The PAiA Fatman monosynth; Electronics.
  • The Korg BPX-3 bass pedals; Pedal assembly.

    (Trivia: I was told that the BPX-3 pedals used to belong to swedish folk-jazz organist Merit Hemmingson. Yeah!)

The Fatman electronics has been modified a bit:

  • The coupling capacitors in the signal path have been increased so that no bass is lost.
  • The VCO timers are changed to CMOS 555's, and the outputs are buffered. This totally eliminates frequency lock between the oscillators.
  • The filter is doubled to provide 24 dB/oct.
  • Emphasis is adjusted to decrease loss of bass.
  • New VCA (3080).
  • One preset board for "Electric Bass" is added.
  • One keyboard voltage/gate board is added (same as MS-20).


Oscillators: Tune, Fine tune, Osc. B detune (+/- 1 oct), Beat (=fine detune), Glide, Osc. mix.
Filter: Cutoff, Emphasis, Amount, Attack, Decay.
Loudness: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release.

Foot switches:
Preset (Panel or Preset), Drone (=hold), Emphasis (panel or zero), Release (panel or zero), Octave (1 oct down).


So what does it sound like? A Fatman or a Taurus? I guess, better than a Fatman, worse than a Taurus... Anyway, it does pump out some very good bass thunder if adjusted properly. I had to buy new speakers to handle it...

OK, so now I have bought a Real Taurus... and the FatFoot is pushed away...

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